Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The leaves come from the Camellia Sinensis plant

The numerous advantages of green tea extract were recognized by the Chinese thousands of years ago and many the chinese have been drinking it for hundreds of years for that positive effect it's on their own General health. It has been used through the years to deal with a variety of health problems ranging from headaches to depression.
It is only within the last twenty years approximately this tea and its extract is becoming well-known in the western world as a health tonic.
So, why does green tea extract have so many benefits?
and it is full of bioflavonoids and antioxidants called polyphenols. Quite simply, the tea has high amounts of antioxidants which are good for fighting toxins which could often damage cells in your body and may result in cancer.
The most important the first is the powerful antioxidant Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) that has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth without damaging healthy cells. This is actually the one that is responsible for most of the health benefits of the nutrient.
Being healthy is one thing that everybody can do. Unfortunately, lots of people have not been told how they may eat well, or what things they ought to do during the day to have their body in top shape. This article is a quick guide in order to you to keep your body in the healthiest way possible.
Why you may ask, perform the other Chinese teas not have similar healthy properties? After all, all of them range from same Camellia Sinensis plant. Well, the truth is they do have the same properties, the only difference is the manner in which the leaves are processed. Green tea foliage is steamed which prevents the ECGC compound from oxidising. Research has revealed that it has as much as six times the antioxidant degree of, for example, black tea. The other tea leaves however, are fermented with the result that the ECGC is converted into other compounds which are not nearly as effective.

General health